
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

You Have Got to be KIDDING Me!

Well we are back to square one, square one of this appraisal mess anyway.
As you know we have been dealing with the permit issues back porch and under the impression that the previous issues, since repaired - paid for- and invoice passed on, were no longer and issue.
Yesterday was the 3rd day in a row that we were supposed to hear something back on the review of this whole mess by the underwriter of our buyers. He is the only one who can overwrite the appraisal and its a process for him too.  He finally got back to both Realtors last night. Our Realtor then had this information for me (keep in mind, we were supposed to be closing today, Tuesday.) "They understand the deal with the permits. Now they want the contractor who made the repairs to write a note saying exactly what was repaired and to use the exact language the appraisal inspector used in his report.  And we cannot close until Monday but I'm not giving up."

I do not even have enough emotional energy anymore to express to you my fury.  The "repairs" part was supposed to be cleared up last week (by Tuesday) so we could by Thursday. Then they said it was fine brought up the permits. Now the permits are fine but we are back to the repairs.  Im getting dizzy just thinking about it.

This is just ridiculously infuriating.

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